Monday, November 16, 2009

Snobbery stilll alive and well

I guess since the dolling community is a community one should expect to see out right snobbery and elitism. I guess perhaps I had hoped that people would be more tolerant of others, but heck we're human right.

I've only been on one particular forum lately and have seen such outright snobbery it makes me sick. I mean really. Everyone was a newbie at one point, but to be so outright nasty to someone whom is just trying to learn, for what end, heck if I know, is plain nasty.

I don't know if others read between the lines like I do, but to be honest if I had recieved this type of "Critique" when I first started I woulda said fuck it and left it all together right away.

There is a distinct difference between critique and tearing someone apart LEARN it people. I feel like doing that exact thing to people who do that to others, but I NEVER see them doll, how ironic is that haha.

I am just sort of tired of this catty, nice to your face but mean behind your back type of behavior, and honestly now I remember why I stopped hanging out in forums, since if your not of the 'in club' your not worth anyones time.

Girls in general are catty by nature, so I guess thats why most of my friends are guys, atleast if they think what your doing is crap they have the balls to say it to your face instead of masking insults behind "helpful critique"......

But on the upside I'm still inspired, just not inspired by the things I see in forums....

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